Mini-Ways to Wholeness during Self-Isolation
If you are one of us who feel scattered, anxious, or think you can’t figure out what to do with yourself during the Covid-19 time of Self-Isolation, I suggest you begin by seeing if anything on this list I’ve compiled helps you reboot your imagination. Give one or more of these a try, and see what you can come up with!
Turn off the alarm
Listen to a story or a podcast
Take a long bubble bath
Make homemade bread
Take a brisk walk
Look at old photos
Embrace what you feel vulnerable about
Draw a picture of your feelings
Set a short-term goal
Reward yourself for reaching a goal
Make a new online friend
Go to bed early
Listen to music
Tell a friend you love them
Write a poem
Sing a favorite song
Pop some popcorn
Paint a picture with marker pens, ink and pencil
Read a novel
Take the stairs
Waste time without guilt
Make a list of your good traits
Sit in the window seat to soak up the sun
Take a photo of the spring flowers you see
Take 10 deep breaths
Look out the window more, and more
Put birdseed out for the birds
Give yourself a pedicure
Play a musical instrument
Do stay-at-home-yoga, stretching, weights
Renovate old clothes
Deep clean a closet or room in the house
Sort old clothes to give away
Get 9 hours of sleep
Eat by candlelight
Listen to a concert or symphony online
Watch a dance performance online
Accept a compliment
Meditate on the colors of spring outside your window
Have a good cry
Start a Gratitude Journal
Make a promise to find the good in yourself, and everyone
Visit the online library to find a new book
Write a blogpost (like this one:-)