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thoughts & notes
Join 'Thursday Night Ladies' small Circle Group in 2025!
"Thursday Night Ladies" small group is continuing in 2025! It's time to put this on your calendar for our MONTHLY MEETING in the New...
Pickleball? Would you have guessed it's Health Benefits!
When you participate in an aerobic activity like pickleball, your body releases endorphins, or hormones that relieve pain, reduce stress,...
The Seductive Success Equation
How would you feel if you suffered a substantial career loss – either from a pandemic or for any other reason beyond your control?
Mini-Ways to Wholeness during Self-Isolation
If you are one of us who feel scattered, anxious, or think you can’t figure out what to do with yourself during the time of Self-Isolation..
What is this thing called 'Imposter Syndrome'?
What are we to make of this obsessive need to demand more and more of oneself, setting higher and higher goals in order to feel successful?
A Working Woman's Guide to Self-Esteem
But where in all that Pep-Talk does anyone address the reality that women today are the inheritors of womens’ struggle with Self Esteem?
How to keep your Valued Employee singing like a RockStar (or atleast on-key)
When I am called upon to address an issue of performance with an employee, I begin by making the premise that 'only in the experience of...
My favorite HUSTLER
Analyzing your talents and skills isn’t a simple matter in the run-up to determining where you should invest more $$ into yourself, or in an
What does a topnotch Career Coach look like, anyway?
Which stalwart professional hasn’t stopped mid-track or woken up in the middle of the night and wondered what to do with their lives?
How to know when it’s time to call-in the Career….AGENT
Some of us don’t become truly successful in life until we quit looking for our next job. Much has been written about today’s technical...
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